A Few Weeks Away

Lingonberry Lane is going to take a vacation to a far away land leaving the family behind to scramble from carpool to carpool and fend for themselves at mealtime. I’ve told the family they’ll miss me most when dinner time approaches. But I’m letting you know that I’ll post when I return and hope to have some fantastic photos of my adventure in Tuscany walking through country and farm from village to village with my 7 ‘walking friends’ from all over this beautiful world. Our common denominator is our dear friend who I grew up with in Alaska and she has brought us together every two years – 4 times – to walk and talk and eat and love life for a week. I feel so lucky to be a part of these adventures and hope to bring you all some photos of the tour through Lingonberry Lane’s Facebook page (if I can get wi-fi in the hotels). So stay tuned and I’ll send out a lovely posting when I return in a few weeks but until then check in on Lingonberry Lane on Facebook for possible photos of the fun.

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3 Responses to A Few Weeks Away

  1. Gretchen says:

    How wonderful! It sounds like an amazing trip, enjoy every minute.-G

  2. suzanne says:

    Jack-you certainly deserve your time exploring. Have a great vaca, give my regards to all!
    Love you.

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